Consciousness Concepts of Daniel DennettHow could the brain be the seat of consciousness? ... the way to imagine this is to think of the brain as a computer of sorts. The concepts of computer science provide the crutches of imagination we need if we are to stumble across the terra incognita between our phenomenology as we know it by introspection and our brains as science reveals them to us. By thinking of our brains as information processing systems, we can gradually dispel the fog and pick our way across the great divide, discovering how it might be that our brains produce all the phenomena. (Daniel Dennett, Consciousness Explained, Chapter 14)
Daniel C. Dennett (born 1942) is currently a University Professor and Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. Professor Dennett received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University in 1965.
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